Monday, 7 March 2011

Hair dressing

Last night was baking night at my house, we've done a cake sale today at the university to raise founds for my house mate's final year graduation film :     Dear Ana..    A film raising anorexia awareness.
The cake sale has gone quite well!!

After the salesman experience, I went on to do some tests on a "test head" I had the luck to make on Friday. You have seen this head in the post about my first moulds.

First thing I did was to cut the "surplus" of latex with some small scissors, I wasn't too concerned about this process , I'll leave that for further tests :

Once I had all the puppet cleaned around the edges, I could start experimenting with the hair.....another lucky strike: a couple of weeks ago, my friend Jitka showed me some brilliant sculptures she had done, to which she had attached some wire wool to. I thought it could be a great material for the hair!! It is thinner than hair, so the scale matches the scale of the puppet. As it is wire, it can be animated, and it's very flexible and easy to glue with a bit of liquid latex:


To add some more realism to the puppet, I thought the eyebrows should also simulate real hair, so I cut some of my own hair, and I started punching it into the puppet's face, and it worked!! But it is such hard work, and so slow and tiny...I am a patient man, but that was simply too much, with all my respects to Suzanne Moulton ......

 So after learning how this could take me weeks for all the 6 or 7 heads I want to use, I decided to give it a try with the wire wool  for the eyebrows, this is the result:

I am very pleased with this quick experiment, I am a bit concerned about the hair shining too much with the lights on the set, so I'll probably apply some paint with an airbrush.

Tomorrow I'll be making the new mould for the head, so I can show you the process.

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